Should You be Meditating?


To meditate or not to meditate, that is the question!

I feel like in most books about CEOs and “successful” people say meditation is an integral part of their daily routine and sets the tone for a mindful day. I’ve always regarded that as something hippy-dippy west coasters believe in and that it’s just not for me. I tried going to a meditation class a few years ago then tried guided meditation and I found it silly and not applicable to me. I couldn’t help but laugh at some of the things they said and I couldn’t for the LIFE OF ME understand what a “stick floating down a steam” had to do with anything. So I wrote it off as something that was never going to be my thing. 4 years after coming to that conclusion, I’ve had a change of heart about mindfulness and meditation. 

During those 4 years, I’ve wrestled with calming my mind and choosing positivity. I’ve weathered a few more storms and big life changes. And per my usual routine, I searched for the answer in self-help books with little intention to make permanent changes. So as I explored starting my own business I talked to other entrepreneurs about what books they recommend for getting my mind “right” and ready for the challenges ahead. One book that stuck out was “You’re a Badass at Making Money” by Jen Sincero. At this point, you’re probably like, “Huh? What does this have to do with meditation?” and that’s valid but hang on. A point Jen really drives home is that the way you talk about money and your mindset around your finances shapes your reality or your perception of reality. And that got me interested in making an overall mindset shift. Thanks, Jen! 


From there I started trying to create a habit of stretching in the morning and setting my mindset for the day. Since I was turned off by meditation at first, stretching to calming music was a good way to warm myself up to the idea. Honestly, I’m loving it. I take just a few minutes and get my body and mind warmed up for the day and I feel a cheerier outlook on the day ahead. 

“Meditation isn’t about becoming a different person, a new person, or even a better person. It’s about training in awareness and getting a healthy sense of perspective.” - Headspace

Phil, my husband, prefers guided meditation. He likes turning off his mind and having someone guide his thoughts. I have recently tried a few of the guided practices he enjoys and I have to say, it’s pretty nice. And it feels good to sit together and share in a relaxing moment. 

5 Minute Guided Meditation: Positive Morning 

5 Minute Guided Meditation for Gratitude

In the past few weeks, I have been trying the app Headspace. At first, I signed up for free and worked my way through the “Basics” course. I really enjoyed learning and practicing the fundamentals. So much so that I joined the paid version and am now making my way through “Basics 2” and taking my practice to the next level. I have also noticed that at night instead of watching 1hr of “The Office” I would rather put on a sleep focused meditation and I generally slip off to sleep before its over. It feels like a healthier way to fall asleep. But I’m no doctor!

In summary, mediation - do I recommend it? Yes, *but* not if you don’t really want to do it. That sounds silly, but when I first tried I wasn’t really into the idea of anything helping me. I was “fine” so what did it matter? Oh, hi self-defense mechanism. Now I am in a place where I truly want to change my outlook on daily life and feel the benefits of being a more positive person in the quiet moments. 

Meditation and how you practice mindfulness doesn’t have to look any one way. It is really just anytime you are fully present and able to quiet your racing thoughts.

I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on meditation and what you do to stay mindful from day-to-day. What works for you and what doesn’t - let me know in the comments!

My favorite Spotify playlists for meditation: 

Yoga & Meditation,  Ambient Relaxation & Peaceful Guitar