Link Stickers will Replace Swipe-Up Feature on Instagram


Say goodbye to hearing “Swipe-up for more” - Instagram is swapping that feature for a more versatile link-sharing option. Beginning August 30th, Instagram will roll out a Link Sticker as the replacement.

Creators who already can share links in Stories have had to rely on the “swipe-up” feature. A follower would swipe up on a Story to be directed to the linked destination outside of the app. This feature has been reserved for verified creators and businesses or users with over 10,000 followers (Instagram has never outright said that number, but it’s widely believed to be the benchmark used). There is no official word if the new feature will be made available to all users or a broader group in the future.

So what’s the skinny on the swipe-up replacement?

The Link Stickers will work the same way a swipe-up link has, except with a tap instead of a swipe. Like the stickers already used in Stories such as Question Box, Poll, Music, etc., the Link Sticker will allow creators to engage with their audience in that Story. Previously, with the swipe-up, followers couldn’t react or reply when a link was added to the Story. Creators will now be able to place the Link Sticker anywhere in the Story, change the color, and size giving them much more creative control.

You may have already seen some businesses and creators using Link Stickers as they were tested with a small group of users back in June. But Instagram has stated it will be rolled out on a larger scale starting August 30th.

An Instagram spokesperson told The Verge that for now, only creators who have already had the swipe-up feature will get the sticker option. However, they’re “still evaluating” opening the Link Sticker feature to more users. Instagram hopes that this upcoming roll out “help us determine whether it’s the right decision before expanding access to more people.”

Have you seen the Link Sticker yet? What do you think of this new feature? Should it be available to everyone?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments! 

Hannah RothermichComment