What to Do When You Don't Know What to Post


Anyone who has started a social profile for their business has gotten to this point or has let this thought hold them back from starting. But I want to help you get the ball rolling with a few suggestions. To start, I like to ask these questions when coming up with posts for myself or a client. 

What are you an expert in?

What makes you different?

What are you selling or promoting?

What do you know that your audience may not?

You don’t have to use all these questions at once, but use them as an outline of what to post.

For example, my friend has a smart home business that comes into your home and helps you identify where you could add smart products to your house and which ones are right for you. He is an expert in all things tech and has a natural interest in doing research and staying on top of new products. So when he felt like he might not know what to post, I suggested he look around his house, sharing photos of those products and talking about why he chose them for his home. And when new tech products roll out he should share a synopsis and be the source of information for his followers. Bottom line he needed to present himself as the tech expert he already is! This way, he could establish to his followers and future clients that he is fully immersed in the tech world and knows his stuff.

The same logic can be applied to real estate agents. If you are an expert in your city or a neighborhood, showcase that! Love a coffee shop? Post about it and why you love it. Shopping at your favorite store? Share a picture and talk about what it adds to the neighborhood. If you’re an agent, you don’t have to just post photos of houses and flyers, show some personality!

I recently met a lady who manages a social account for a bed and breakfast and she was asking for posting suggestions. She mentioned how close the house was to restaurants, and I told her to use that in her posts. The charming neighborhood is one of the qualities that makes their business different!

Another thing that makes you different is…. YOU! Lord have mercy, that sounds cheesy, but I mean it! Show your face from time to time, people want to connect with you, not just a service or a product.

Let’s say you’re a website developer and you’re selling custom websites. Dive deep into that and think about what part of your process might be interesting to a potential client. Give them a little preview of a project that is going live soon, or what the code looks like on the backend of the website or sketches of the wireframes. Think outside of the box!

If you have a podcast, you’ll want to promote episodes as well as the overall series. Share audio clips (or video) of the highlights or cliffhangers of the episode you want people to listen to.

One of my personal favorites is sharing something that your audience may not know. Your general audience might not be aware of how you got started or the specific terms you use in your business regularly. For example, I collaborate with a non-profit organization that frequently uses abbreviations that are second nature to them, but their donors or newer followers might not understand. I suggested that they create a social media series defining these terms and maintaining a consistent style to make them easier to find.

To sum it all up, what’s already at your disposal? You might just need to take a step back and try looking at it differently. Ask yourself these questions when you’re feeling stuck!

And if you want personalized help or still feel stuck shoot me an email at hannah@hannahrothermich.com or check out my consulting packages here!