Instagram Accounts You Should Follow

Newsflash: I love Instagram! I am a visual person so it makes perfect sense this visual first social platform is one of my favorite apps. There are over 500 million people using Instagram a day (dang….)! Instagram and those you follow can influence not just what you buy, but how you feel in the moment when you see their content and how you feel afterword.

Because of that I am very careful who I follow and what I want to feel when I scroll through my feed. So I thought I’d share with you some of my favorite Instagram accounts and why they have a positive affect on me.

The Everygirl, @theeverygirl

If I had to only follow one account, it would be The Everygirl! That might be slightly dramatic, but let’s be honest, I’ve been known to dabble in the dramatics. They have a little bit of well, everything! Advice on careers, fashion, interior design, finances, travel tips, recipes and literally so much more! They are geared towards creative, career-driven women and it freakin’ shows.

The Defined Dish, @thedefineddish

Alex Snodgrass (@thedefineddish) is a mom of two who cooks up amazing recipes that are healthy and simple. I really enjoy watching the videos of her family and I have cooked many of her recipes (both Whole 30 and non-Whole 30) and I am here to tell you they will rock your socks clean off your feet.

The Home Edit, @thehomeedit

Besides being straight up ORGANIZATIONAL GOALS these self-made business women are so dang funny. Their grid posts will bring you colorful goodness and their stories will bring you necessary realness you didn’t know you needed. And you do, trust me. The chemistry and banter between the two founders is perfection and the snip-its you see of their kids is just hilarious.

Arielle Charnas, @ariellecharnas

Arielle is the founder of Something Navy, which was a fashion blog she started in 2009 and is now a label sold in Nordstrom as well as a well know website. While we have totally different body types, I still love her style and throughly enjoy her personality and those cute kids (which make frequent appearances on her stories). People rag on her because she is so skinny, has help with her girls and has plenty of money, but she doesn’t hide any of that or try to pretend she has it all together. Haters gonna hate.

Damn Delicious, @damn_delicious

Chungah came from a traditional Korean household and turned her school hobby into her full-time job. She uses simple and fresh ingredients and makes some seriously delicious recipes. I wouldn’t say that her recipes are healthy per-say, but she is a big propionate of meal prepping and portion control. And to top it all off, she has a corgi named Butters. He is the star of the show, if I am being honest! Phil got me her cook book for our anniversary, and y’all….. BUTTERS SIGNED MY BOOK. I’ll never be the same.

MC, @mcmscott

Mary Catherine and I grew up in the same hometown and I’ve looked up to her ever since I can remember. So when she started her blog, Deep Hunger/Deep Gladness, I became a frequent visitor. Aside from the well crafted and thought provoking post, she also is very down to earth, honest and does it all in a hilarious way! And while I don’t have a kid yet, I am always intrigued by her sleep training and other baby tips. I’m storing that info away for when the time is right!

She has a weekly Instagram stories series called “The Bachelorette Corner” that I look forward to after every episode. She never shies away from the fact that the show is actual trash, but it’s hard to care when it’s so entertaining.

Laura Jane, @laurajaneillustrations

We all need an encouragement in our feed and that is exactly what Laura’s illustrations do for me! The illustrations are bright, fun, educational and great reminders about self-care, mental health and mindfulness. Not to mention they are super cute! Sprinkle some positivity in your feed.

Rachel Martino, @rachmartino

With southern roots and living in the big city, Rachel keeps her feed full of fresh fashion, travel and current events in her life. She is actually the reason I took the leap into my first Whole 30 (you might not be able to tell from the first photo). I had been thinking about it for a while, but seeing someone I enjoyed following be so transparent with her journey and share what she was eating, let me in on just how do-able that program could be. Even though that was a while ago, she is still very active and celebrates healthy and fit lifestyle. And as you’ll see her style is unapologetically girlie and has mastered the effortless skirt twirl.