How to Approach Social Media in 2020


People tend to look at a new year, set new goals and take a beat to reevaluate what they’re doing and how they can improve. The same can be said for social media, whether for business or personal use. So what should your goal be on social media? If I could sum up what I think should be everyone’s goal on social media in 2020, I’d say BE INTENTIONAL. 

How so? 

When you post on social media in 2020, take a quick inventory of what you’re trying to show or tell your followers. Don’t post just to post, make sure there is a reason or take away in the post. What do you want your followers to see? How do you want them to feel? What action do you want them to take? What’s the point of your post? 

As you are snapping the picture double-check that the intention behind that post is clear and is the primary focus of the photo. Let’s say you are at a convention and you want your followers to know you are there and that you’ll be learning more to make your business even better. A photo of the entrance sounds like a good photo to snap, but… if it’s from too far away or there is too much going on in the photo your followers might scroll right past it and miss it entirely. So, you could take a close up photo of a sign, a photo of your lanyard and note pad, a photo with a speaker at the conference. Whatever you do, just make sure the intention of the post comes across clearly. 

Be intentional with your hashtags, location, and tagging brands and people in your photos. You don’t want to miss an opportunity to be found by someone who doesn’t follow you! 

Make sure you put enough detail in your caption to help get the message across. Remember the intention behind the post as you are drafting the copy for the caption. Sometimes the audience has less knowledge of the field your an expert in, so take a minute to read through it as if you’re someone else. 

If you have questions or comments please leave them below or shoot me an email at And don’t forget I offer social media coaching and can walk alongside you as you tackle social media in 2020! Check out my coaching packages here:

Go forth and be intentional my friends!

Hannah RothermichComment