Are You Taking the Right Approach to Your Social Media Strategy?


Remember the days where every business felt the need to have a YouTube Channel, Google+, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter? Well, those days are gone. 🙌🏻

Should you have some sort of representation on social media as a business? Most likely, yes. Do you need to be on all the “popular” platforms? Absolutely not! Today it is far more important that you carefully select which social platform(s) best fit your business as far as where your target audience is, the message you want to convey and the relationship you want to have with your followers etc.

Once you have picked which platform(s) you believe align with your goals then you should think about what kind of approach you’ll be taking to the kinds of things you’ll post and how often. Some businesses just need to keep their accounts looking professional and active. While others need to have a strategy to reach new people, stay top of mind for clients, as well as a plan to get them to convert.

Let’s say you already have social media account(s) for your business, take a look back at your profile and see if your goals behind having an account are in line with what you are seeing. Does your profile looks cohesive, is the message is consistent and are you putting your best foot forward? So many times an account that is created out of obligation and because you feel like you have to, will scare away business instead of attracting it. 

When trying to figure out which social media platforms are right for you and your business look at all your social accounts. Take an honest look at which platforms you are using and which of your accounts are getting activity and engagement. If you think you can only manage one social media platform or that is all you have time for, then just do one! It’s more impactful to be present on one platform and do it well verses half-ass 3 different platforms.

If you’ve decided to phase out one or more of your social accounts and focus in on a few, then make sure you check your website (if you have one) and that you’re not encouraging people to follow you on the ones you aren’t putting effort to.

Want help deciding which approach is best for you or which platforms you should be on? Email me at and we can get a consultation on the books!

Hannah RothermichComment