New York City: Trip Recap
Phil and I LOVE going to New York City! Shortly after Phil and I started dating in 2012 he moved to the city for 3 years. The big apple holds a very special place in Phil’s heart and we try to go a few times a year. We usually stay at an apartment in the incredible Gramercy neighborhood, right by the historic park. Fun fact the Gramercy Park is one of two private parks in New York City - meaning you have to have a key to get in.
Our flight was delayed so we got in pretty late. Good news is there is no such thing as “too late” in the city that never sleeps. Our first stop when arrived was Phil’s favorite neighborhood pizza spot, Bravo Pizza. And I can never resist a good Vodka pizza, and Bravo has a great one!

A few weeks prior to our trip I learned that there was a FRIENDS Pop-Up in NYC while we were going to be in town. The high school kid in me freaked out! I went online and they were completely sold out. Phil, refusing to accept “no” as an answer, contacted the company putting the event on and they suggested we showed up before they opened and line up in the stand by line. We did and we got right in!! It was incredible and I fully credit Phil with being persistent and making that bucket list dream come true!

One of my favorite neighborhoods in New York is Chelsea. Last time we were in town we stubbled upon a Mexican restaurant called Dos Caminos and had an amazing experience so Phil and I had to go back! Pretty much everything is good there, but the margaritas and the smoked bacon guacamole are unstoppable!

After lunch came the real reason we came to Chelsea….. the Starbucks Reserve New York Roastery! If you know me *at all* then you know that I am a slave to The ‘Bucks. Okay, well that was dramatic and sounds like I am held against my will, which is not true but you get the idea. I am pretty much always looking for a Starbucks and this one is different! There are only 6 of these babies IN THE WORLD! First of all, this place is like a dang work of art. Secondly, they have multiple exclusive menus that are all so exciting. According to their website, “Starbucks Reserve is a selection of the rarest, most extraordinary coffees Starbucks has to offer. It’s where we push our own boundaries of craft, developing a unique roast for each individual lot before experimenting with coffee as an art form…” blah blah blah AMAZING! It’s honestly hard for me not to write this whole section in caps! I ordered the Undertow - Espresso suspended above chilled half-and-half and vanilla-bean syrup. It was incredible!

That night I went to my first non-Braves baseball game! I wouldn’t say baseball is my favorite sport, but I know enough to enjoy it and to know when to cheer. I’m usually into going to baseball games for the environment and food/drinks. Phil on the other hand is a Yankees fan and has been since he was a kid. So he was thrilled to go to a game and see some young stud named Arron Judge swing a bat. Of course Judge got hurt the night before and sat out the game we were attending. We had a great time regardless and saw quite a few home runs! And I will say, Yankee Stadium was really nice!

Friday morning we woke up bright and early to make an appearance on the TODAY Show, well sorta, not really! A little birdy told me my grandparents would love to see me on the Rockefeller Plaza during the Today Show, so we wanted to make that happen. We ended up getting their later than we wanted and there was a band playing outside so I jumped on a bench in hopes the camera would see me waving across the street. And we walked by the studio a couple of times trying to get some screen time. It worked, but our moment was fleeting haha!

For lunch I went to Eatly with a friend I met back in my CMT intern days, Sonya Matejko. We ate on the roof at SERRA and they had just rolled out their fall menu and decorations. It was a perfect day to eat outside and the decor was beautiful. Sonya and I got to catch up and talk about our big dreams and next steps. She is a treasure and I highly encourage you to check her out on Instagram (@aforceofnurture) for daily inspiration.

Saturday morning we went to our favorite little breakfast spot in Gramercy called L’Express. It’s almost a habit to go there and I get the same thing every time and have for years. They have a wonderfully classic eggs benedict! Even though we don’t visit as much as we used to, it’s always good to see familiar faces.
That afternoon we went to the Central Park Zoo. I typically have mixed feelings when it comes to zoos, but Phil and I actually watch this show on Animal Planet called “The Zoo” and it takes you behind the scenes at the Wildlife Conservation Society Zoos in the NYC area. Seeing how well they care for and treat their animals makes me way more comfortable being there. Phil on the other-hand just loves zoos and doesn’t need as much convincing. The Central Park zoo is pretty small but we had a blast running around and meeting the animals! (Side note: check out the concern on Phil’s face on the last photo as a little boy hugs a horned goat 😂I thought it was pretty adorable, albeit dangerous.)

We had so much fun running around in New York and can’t wait to go back sometime in 2020! If you’re ever in the city and want a few recommendations, let me know!
Until next time, Manhattan!