How I Surrounded Myself with Positive Voices in Business


Starting a new chapter of your life can be scary and expose you to scrutiny and opinions you weren’t expecting. Whether negative thoughts are from within you or stem from outside sources, it can be enough to make you give up on something before you have even started. 

At the beginning of this journey for me, I was filled with a lot of self-doubt and overthinking comments from people. So it was really important that I filled my mind, heart and even my Instagram feed with influences that made me feel good about my future and my dreams.

I reached out to fellow dreamers and doers, and I asked for book recommendations or podcasts and things they listened to that made them feel confident and capable. I read or listened to the books that were suggested to me: Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis, You Are a Badass at Making Money and You Are a Badass Every Day both by Jen Sincero. 

Additionally, I listened to podcasts like The Goal Digger hosted by Jenna Kutcher. She even has episodes about what to do when people in your life don’t support your dream, how to structure your workday when you are self-employed and tons of success stories! 

I cleaned up my Instagram feed and filled it with aspirational female business owners and accounts. Such as @thefemalehustlers, @freelancingfemales,, @galadarling and @marieforleo. I quit following accounts that I didn’t have a connection to or brands that didn’t inspire me or make me feel good about myself. 

Another really important thing I did was lean really hard into the relationships I have where I know I’m supported completely. I am so lucky to have a handful of really close friends and an exceptional extended family. I shifted my efforts away from relationships in which I didn’t feel fully supported and ones that made me feel like I was being ridiculed either to my face or behind my back. The thing is not everyone has to see or agree with your goals and dreams, that’s TOTALLY OKAY. Just be sure to surround yourself with a close circle of trusted voices that absolutely have your back. It’s vital for the tough days or days you are struggling to see yourself for the badass you really are.

Making these changes has made me feel more confident and capable of taking on the insanely massive task ahead of solopreneurship. If you aren’t feeling fully backed by your tribe, maybe reevaluate who you’re spending time with and what voices you’re allowing in your head and in your heart.

Hannah Rothermich1 Comment