Top 3 Tips For Using Hashtags on Instagram


Hashtags (#) have been used on social media platforms since 2007 and through the years there have been various uses and strategies around the best ways to use them. The uses actually vary per platform; today I’m diving into the 3 things you need to know for using them on Instagram. 

Instagram’s primary use for hashtags is for grouping similar content. With that in mind, there are a few simple rules of thumb for picking hashtags for your Instagram posts.

Pick relevant hashtags

This is a big one! Probably the most important one. Besides the fact that it can be misleading when a specific hashtag is unrelated to the post, rumor has it that Instagram is paying close attention to this as a sign of employing a bot (big Insta no-no). Instagram is using image recognition to look at your photo and decipher the contents and compares it to the hashtags and description for keywords.

So, when you post a selfie with the comment “Happy Monday” and #smallbusiness #entertainmentlaw #lawyer Instagram could penalize you (without your knowledge) and hide your posts from people who don’t follow you. Not to mention, if I am following the small business hashtag and I see a selfie of a stranger with no description of what their business is and an irrelevant photo, how is that helping your business? As a potential client or customer, I have no incentive to follow you or look deeper into your business.

All that to say, whether you are looking at the current Instagram algorithm or general best marketing practices - keep the hashtags relevant to each individual post.

Get niche

There are over 35 million posts with the tag #marketing - the chances of you getting noticed among all those other posts are pretty slim. So, try something more specific to your area or line of expertise. While #smallbusinessmarketingtips only has a few thousand posts, your chances of catching someone’s eye following that tag are greater. The same can be said for a city-specific tag like #nashvillemarketing. You can still use the more popular hashtags, but don’t forget to add the niche ones too!

Know the limit

Instagram lets you add up to 30 hashtags per post. And I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again - be cautious with the name of tags you’re using. It can make your post looks too crowded and make you look like you’re grasping at straws. While 30 is the limit, if you’re being very specific and intentional with your hashtag selection, you’re probably not maxing out the limit. I suggest picking 3-8 tags. Depending on your caption and if it’s long, try posting your tags in the comments. That way it’s not junking up the post copy!

Now go forth and confidently use your hashtags! If you’re still thinking you might want a little help making sure you’re on the right track check out my “First Step” consulting package. Or shoot me an email at and we can create a custom social coaching package to fit your current needs!

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